Star Wars: Battlefront II - $34.79 (42% off) (Elite Trooper Deluxe Edition also on sale).PlayStation Plus members may be eligible for additional discounts. The following deals are available to all users. Battlefield 1 Premium Pass - $15.00 (70% off).Injustice 2 - $25.00 (50% off) (Deluxe and Ultimate Editions also on sale FREE WEEKEND until December 18).The following deals are available to all Xbox One users. Styx: Shards of Darkness - $12.50 (75% off).Styx: Master of Shadows + Styx: Shards of Darkness - $15.00 (75% off).Bridge Constructor Stunts - $5.00 (50% off).Mega Man Legacy Collection - $6.00 (60% off).Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 - $13.39 (33% off).Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide - FREE!.Tales From The Borderlands: The Complete Season - FREE!.An Xbox Live Gold Subscription is required to receive these discounts. The following games are a part of Xbox One Games with Gold/Deals with Gold.

Here's our selection of this weekend's console deals: Xbox One Meanwhile, PlayStation is also kicking off its Holiday Sale, so it's probably a good time to jump in on Star Wars Battlefront II or any number of other games on sale. But why get into physical skirmishes when you can simply get into virtual ones? Injustice 2 is picking fights for free all weekend for Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The holidays are approaching and that means it's time to fight with shoppers at the mall over parking spaces and that last Hatchimal (or whatever it is the kids are into these days).